
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I am kind of in a rush now. It is 8:03 pm, and I have Bible study at 8:30pm. I go to a small group athlete's Bible study every Tuesday night that I can, and I really enjoy it. But I decided to post now so that, after Bible study, maybe - just maybe I'll be motivated to do homework.

Although it's only February, I have quite the case of senioritis. First off, I'm underloading (only taking 3 courses). Two of my classes meet once a week (for three hours at a time). One meets 3 times a week. And I don't have class at all on Thursday. Meaning I physically "go to class" 5 times a week. That is practically nothing!Some semesters I've gone to class 3 times a day!

Oh, not to mention that my earliest class starts at...get this...noon! Still  I feel like I need to give myself constant pep talks to go to class/do my homework/do anything. When I'm in class - it's not much better. In my class that has mostly freshmen and sophomores, I find myself complacently sitting there watching the eager "little kids" raise their hands with answers.

Last time I didn't even have a notebook and just sat there drawing flowers on a post-it note and checking my phone every five minutes for 52 minutes. Literally. I didn't even get one text or e-mail during the eternal hour of English. That's because normal people eat lunch between 12-1, but I am trapped in 13th century Britain going on a pilgrimage to Canterbury and speaking in iambic pentameter.

Anyways, I'm off to Bible study now - sorry about the not so great post. :) I'll leave you with a great verse, instead:

"I have told you these things so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and tribulations. But, take heart! For I have overcome the world."
-John 16:33

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