Have a Happy Halloweekend!

Friday, October 31, 2014

It's Halloween in Madison (and everywhere, or so I've heard)! Cue students to travel in from all over the midwest for the annual giant State Street Halloween party and for temperatures to drop  dramatically, for no reason other than to allow said students to freeze in their costumes.

That's right, this morning: frost on my car. I would have taken a picture but I was too busy collapsing in a fit of tears in the middle of the street. According to the police I'm overdramatic. Whatever. I don't have underground parking, so I might as well live in an igloo.

For all you lucky people who live in warmer climates, here's a picture from my friend's instagram to prove I'm not lying:

click the link to view the caption (I couldn't agree more)
A few fun links for your weekend:

2. I really need to upgrade my phone

3. What you're actually thinking when you run into an ex. 

4. I got a Pinterest! (anyone I should definitely follow?) Thus far it is so pathetic (15 pins!) but how great is this quote?

7. I want this book tower but I'm afraid Tywin (who knocked over a lamp in the middle of the night last night) might get too carried away with climbing it.

8. Underrated throwback rap song of the week :) (this line: 11 hundred friends on his myspace page)

I hope you all have wonderful weekends! My twin sister is flying in from Cincy! So we plan to eat candy, dress up, and listen to Taylor Swift 1989 while hanging out with Tywin:

Happy Halloweekend, friends!!


  1. I've also been crying about the climate. Your instagram friend takes some low quality pictures...

    1. If you look really closely, you can even see a reflection of a halloween jack-o-lantern card in the cement wall. The photo is a-ma-zing.
