frozen solid lake: MELTING! (pretty Madison skyline behind) |
As I consider every single aspect of commercial flying my pet peeve, I'm going to narrow this post down to two topics so it isn't longer than the 7th Harry Potter book: children and luggage.
As a side note, does anyone else think re-writing Harry Potter through a "realistic" modern-day lens is a good idea?
Example, 5th book:
Harry (wakes up, alarmed, scar burning), "Oh no! I just had dream - Sirius is in danger! We must go NOW."
Ron (disheveled, as always): "Bloody Hell, Harry, why don't you just calm down and text him?"
Harry to Sirius: Yo man, you ok?
Sirius to Harry: Ya, just petting Buckbeak and making Kreacher get me butter beer. Why?
Harry to Sirius: No Reason. Go Chudley Cannons!
Ron: "Good. Let's play some Mario Smash Brothers."
Back to the terminal. I always tweet a lot when I'm in airports because I'm pretty sure that's why twitter was invented. A few gems from my Easter excursion:
These obviously make me sound like a heartless bitch which is good because I'm all about transparency. But, seriously, would you pay an upcharge to be on a child-less flight?
I mean, U.S. Airlines collected 3.36 Billion Dollars from Baggage Fees in 2011 might as well make us pay for something that is actually a perk and not just a necessary piece of travel.
Since the cost of checking bags makes me question capitalism as a whole, every one carries on everything.
There aren't too many downsides of carrying things on. Well, except I have to regularly participate in mortal combat for a space in the overhead bin. And, of course, this:
It's getting to the point that flying commercial is more comical than anything else. I like to imagine that humans weren't actually trying hard when they made the system. Maybe our airline industry is a result of a poorly managed 9th grade group project?
Regardless, warmer weather means one thing that will help us frequent travelers: less chance of flight delays. Just another reason spring coming (albeit late) is really brightening my overall mood :)
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