Warby Parker Spring Collection

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Can you believe that I'm writing the word "spring" in a post title? Me neither, but it feels great. Today I took a walk outside without a hat or gloves which feels like a massive accomplishment here in Wisconsin. Before we know it, it will be time for fresh flowers at the Madison farmer's market and the lakes will un-freeze.

With a new season comes new styles, and Warby Parker's spring collection has a flashy array of new glasses styles I wanted to share with you. :)

Aren't the colors fun? I love companies like Warby Parker, because of their strong moral conscience. For each pair or glasses you buy, they distribute a pair to someone in need. Because--get this--almost one billion people worldwide lack access to glasses. This (obviously) hinders their ability to learn and work.

So, if you're on the lookout for a new pair of eyewear, swing over to their site and check out their collection.

I'm working on some book review blog posts to bring to you soon, but in the mean time, enjoy the beginning of March and congrats for making it through February! xx

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